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The marketer in me really wishes this whole space was more impressive with all the bells and whistles. I wish I could draw you in with some clever and concise copy — something so bomb-dot-com you’d say, “Wow, she’s still got it” and be compelled to give me your email address so I could add you to my well-planned digital campaign that would have you so bought into whatever I’m peddling you’d find yourself even following me on Pinterest.

But the truth is there is no product to sell you on here. I’m not a brand. I’m a human who longs to share her heart with the world in hopes of helping others be free.

Free from what?

The need to be impressive.

The need to be perfect.

And the lie that achieving those two things will bring you insurmountable joy.

We’re running ourselves ragged.

It’s time to take the pressure off. You’re too young to be experiencing burnout.

Just in case you’re 75 years old and reading this — I’ll say it again — you’re too young to be experiencing burnout.

Life is too precious to ever be discarded into the ditch of hustle and hurry.

So I offer you a haven instead. A space to breathe and to gain perspective and to be reminded that the very life you are living right now is treasure. Your day-to-day probably looks very different than mine, and thank goodness, because if everyone was living my life, the world would be in trouble.

We need your life. We need the businesspeople and doctors and parents and lawyers and coaches and pastors and teachers and government officials and writers and accountants and scientists and mathematicians and artists and musicians and dreamers and go-getters and so on and so forth all doing what they love.

So, to be clear, this is no call for you to live the life I’m living. It’s simply a space for you to find freedom to love the life you’re living.

If you’ve already found that kind of freedom, wonderful! Let’s bask in the beauty of it together.

My hope is that together we push back on comparison and discontentment and burnout by exploring the depths of peace that come from delighting in being instead of relying on incessant doing in order to gain our significance.

Our generation is currently flagged as the most stressed out and anxious, and we apparently don’t know what to do it about it, which sounds very similar to the definition of drowning.

I’m throwing out a digital life boat here.

You need rest. I need rest. Admitting that doesn’t make you weak or less than, it makes you human.

There will always be things to be done. And we’ll do them. But don’t you think it’s time you and I removed ourselves from the throes of never-ending busyness, and lived our lives from the shores of peace?

Do you want to forever live a life fueled by anxiety or one fueled by strength?

I don’t believe that living a life of peace necessarily means we do less, but it sure as heck means we do less of the things we were never graced to do.

I think you’re called to do some pretty amazing things with your life. I don’t think a life of peace keeps you small or silent or protected from facing challenges that need to be overcome. However, my sense is that, thanks to the instant access and far reaches of technology, we are no longer satisfied with living our own lives, instead, we’re attempting to live all the lives…at once. It’s costing us our sanity. I’ve decided that’s a price too steep for me to pay.

I claim no expertise on this subject. I’m not a guru. I’m not a counselor. I’m not certified in life change, and I have no 5-step process to a healthier, happier you.

I’m a human who is learning, just like you, how to be free.

I also don’t think my views are unique. I’m one of many who are drawing swords against the giants of anxiety, stress, and mental torment. Thank you, God, for the many! But just because there are many doesn’t mean there are enough. I’m unapologetically adding my voice to chorus so it gets even louder.

If you’re interested, or just a little curious to see how this plays out, I invite you to follow along. If you need this, stick around. If you know people who may need this, please share it with them. If you wholeheartedly disagree with me, please pray for me — I need it.

I reserve the right to only give you what I got. I feel no pressure to post in order to meet a weekly quota or scramble for material to bulk up the amount of content on here. I won’t present a false persona or standard to add to your ever-growing list of “need-tos” and “must-haves.”

There will probably to be some typos, and misplaced commas, and I may even overshare at times. But I’m not going to let what could go wrong hold me back.

Because I see us rising from this pit. I see an entire generation who have been stamped “most anxious” and “burned out” recanting on their current trajectory and instead creating a beautiful future filled with aliveness and peace and joy.

I see the generations before us sharing their strength and wisdom to help us fight against our reverence to restlessness.

I see the generations behind us not having to fight our same battles but living in our victories instead.

So I’m going to live my life. It may not always be impressive and it will never be perfect, but it’s going to be filled with goodness. I want that for you too.

If you’re not a rule follower, you can read the start here page now, or not.